Residential Real Estate Lending Institute

Residential Real Estate Lending Institute
Residential Real Estate Lending Institute

This three-day mini-institute provides the real-estate lending professional with a solid foundation for managing and producing a quality mortgage portfolio. This hands-on institute includes exercises in buying and selling mortgages in the secondary markets, a visit to a construction site and analysis of the tax return of a self-employed borrower. The institute's objective is to assist the participants in three areas: improved customer service, more efficient processing and servicing and stronger underwriting. All of these should result in increased earnings from the mortgage portfolio. The “new” underwriting findings are also discussed.

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As a reminder registration begins at 8:30 and education at 9:00 a.m. Once online registration closes, please call CBAI at 800/736-2224 to register for this event.
4/22/2024 - 4/24/2024
CBAI Headquarters 901 Community Drive Springfield 62703

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